• The Aid
  • Call Us: +44 07570 948135

What we do

Our mission is to serve humanity around the globe. We are going to be one of the largest humanitarian organisations in UK. We strive to ensure that all those suffering from the effects of poverty, natural disaster and war are able to survive and empowered to thrive. Through our field offices and partners, we strive to achieve the following goals.


Our medical and health care programmes aim to save and protect lives across the world. Key priorities of our healthcare intervention is the promotion of good health and well-being of children and mothers with a focus on combating the major causes of childhood deaths and diseases.


We believe in providing everyone with access to education to all. In particular, our focus is to enable girls to attend school – thereby creating opportunities to break out of the cycle of poverty for future generations.

Sustainable Livelihoods

Our long-term development programmes aim to build independent, brighter futures. We enable marginalised communities to live with dignity through restoring livelihood opportunities, improving agriculture productivity, enabling access to micro-finance, improving skills and the creation of new enterprises through appropriate training and logistic support.

Humanitarian / Emergency relief

We issue rescue and relief services to those in danger and at immediate risk of harm. We also focus on developing and upgrading our capacity to link relief and rehabilitation with long term development.